Friday is for Fun! ☺

"My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me."

-Henry Ford

Yesterday was Friday and a perfect day to spend some time with our beloved german shepherd dog Nero. Bongo was excited to see him again and we can say the same for Nero, because he loves our big boy sooo much :) I am happy to see that, because we really made an effort when Bongo was a little puppy as we went to visit Nero almost every day to make sure, they will become friends. And they became friends, best friends!
Nero & Bongo
Our beautiful Nero 
After the visit of our beloved friend, we spent the whole afternoon outside and this is what Bongo loves the most. Long walks in the nature and catching balls everywhere. Of course he likes to fetch his favorite  Rogz Grinz Ball  the most, he always brings it back for another throw and catch.
Catching the ball

If you have a spoilt dog who does not like all the toys equally, you should try giving your pup Bongo's favorite ball! It is soft and bouncy, perfect for playing fetch outside or in the house. If you stuff in some treats I am sure your dog will love it! If you do not like the orange one, you can get it in several different colors: 


Have fun and don't forget to spend some play time with your dog!

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