Visiting the Pond

Today is a beautiful sunny day and we decided to visit the pond that is located near our home. The surrounding is quite nice, with the exception of the macadam road that gets very dusty when the cars are passing by. It is very warm already and because of that we have to carry some drinking water for Bongo with us. I am thinking in getting him a doggy backpack so he could carry his own water, but I did not find the appropriate yet. 
Heading to the pond
Obedience training on the road
Relaxing at the pond
...and posing for the camera :)
My pretty boy 
We had to go home soon because it started getting really warm. The summer is coming and I really have to think about getting a cooling collar or something similar for Bongo, so he will be able to take the heat better. Or maybe convince him to go to the water to cool down :)

Have a nice and sunny day!

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